本帖最后由 新叶 于 2017-5-20 08:28 编辑
路遠山高,子規啼醒思鄉夢 天寒地凍,老酒沉淪寂寞心 花容灼灼,靜夜輕風吟妙句 草色青青,閑窗幽竹拂清音
Flower Faces Bright
(Two Pairs of Couplets●Eleven Words of Quatrain)
The distance far and the mountain high, sounds of cuckoos woke up thehomesick dream The weather so cold that the ground frozen, old wine sank the lonelyheart Flower faces bright, light breeze at quiet night chanted wonderfulsentences Grass color green, elegant bamboos before the leisure windows soundedclearly
2016/12/14/羅志海寫詩翻譯 On December 14, 2016, by Luo Zhihai, Poetry and Translation