本帖最后由 新叶 于 2017-4-20 11:29 编辑
红妆淡扫 (对联体●十一绝)
红妆淡扫,蝶影翩翩撩杏眼 粉黛轻描,春风缕缕吻桃腮 请月同眠,留三枝荷叶摇扇 邀山对酌,纳几朵彩霞入怀
FaintlyDrew the Red Makeup (TwoPairs of Couplets●ElevenWords of Quatrain)
Lightly painted beauty, wisps of the springbreeze kissed the peach cheeks Faintly drew the red makeup, dancingshadows of the butterflies touched the apricot eyes Asked the moon to sleep together, stayedthree lotus leaves of shaking fans Invited the mountain to drink together,took several white clouds into the mind
2017/4/20/罗志海写诗翻译 On April 20, 2017, by Luo Zhihai, Poetry and Translation